Things to Do Before Drilling a Lock

02 Jan

Things to Do Before Drilling a Lock

The first step to gaining entry when you are locked out of your home is to call the locksmith. You'd love a mobile locksmith to use the fastest and most effective method to open the locks.

However, the locksmith may want to drill your locks. As a home or business owner, you need to understand the consequences before allowing the locksmith to drill your locks. Lock drilling is a destructive method for opening a lock and should be a last resort for any professional. Here are other options the locksmith should consider before drilling the lock.

Pick the Lock

Lock picking is the fastest way to gain entry when the keys are lost. A locksmith with the right skill set and tools can open or manipulate different types of locks by picking them. It’s not rocket science and can be learned by anyone who loses keys frequently.

However, locks have become sophisticated over the years and you cannot pick or bypass all the locks in the market. Here are some of the locks to pick easily.

  • Pin Tumbler Locks
  • Combination Locks
  • Tubular Lock

With the right tools, a locksmith should employ various methods to pick a lock including the scrubbing/raking method, using bobby pins or paperclips, and picking the lock with cards.

If you are locked out and do not have previous knowledge of using these methods, worry less because we've got you. Just call us and a professional locksmith in Plantation will arrive at your location as fast as possible.

Use Lock Bumping

You do not need specific skills to open the locks using the lock bumping method. This technique works for cylinder locks and unfortunately, some homes are still using such locks on their doors.

To bump a lock, all you need is the bump key, a mallet, or a screwdriver. Insert the bump key in the lock, then use any tool to bump or push it inside. Forcing the bump key inside manipulates the pins and opens the lock.

Remember, if you can use lock bumping to open your locks, thieves, and burglars can also do the same. To avoid compromising your security system, you need to install high-security locks. Ultimately, no one can bump digital locks. If you insist on using deadbolts, here are some of our recommendations.

  • The Master Lock DSO0615 Bump-Proof Single Cylinder Deadbolt
  • Electronic Deadbolt Lock - Schlage BE375 CAM 619
  • Mul-T-Lock ‎008J-MD1–D
  • The Lock Locker Bump-Proof Deadbolt Door Locker

Use Credit Card

Try using a credit card to open the locks. Check your wallet or purse for cheap or outdated cards and use them for this purpose.

The process is simple – gently insert the card between the door frame and the lock. Then bend it with force, and push in the locks to open the door.

Get the Consent of the Homeowner Before Drilling

If you try all the above techniques but could not succeed, you need to inform the homeowner about the implications of drilling the lock.

At A&A Aventura Pro Locksmith, our locksmith will never use lock drilling to open your locks. We have numerous ways to help you gain entry to your home. Give us a call for door lock replacement and we will be there with the solution.

Customer Reviews

I needed a spare key cut and programmed.  I was not in a rush but was happy when they still came the same day.  Reuben called me when he was on his way, so I didn't feel like I was…

Michael Cunningham

I got locked out of my car, the worse scenario ever especially with 3 kids on the road. I was terrified...A&A Pro Locksmith turn around was so fast, they came in few minutes opened my car, very courteous and professional. Took…

Jessica White

Locked myself out of the house. Called about 4 different locksmith.  No answer or too far from our house. Finally got to A&A Aventura Pro Locksmith LLC. The guy came on time. Had everything he needed to unlock our front…

James Fletcher

Great service and products! Re-keying our new home was a quick and smooth process thanks to this locksmith. Great suggestions by the specialist on how to navigate between the house's various doors and locks and what solutions/combinations to select.

Alan Walker